As the Alberta Building Code and the National Energy Code has updated, so have we.
Always wanting to provide our clients with the best options for design,
i4HomeDesign works with an Energy Advisor with Natural Resources Canada.
Allowing us to take care of all your energy needs.
There are three different paths to satisfy energy codes.
The Prescriptive Path is your basic method and even though many still choose to use a professional,
can be achieved without the assistance of an Energy Advisor.
The Trade Off Path is very similar to the Prescriptive Path and allows for some "tradeoffs" utilizing
specific calculations to meet requirements associated with the Prescriptive Path.
The Performance Path is more complicated and in some municipalities,
requires the assistance of an NRCAN Energy Advisor.
If you choose to go the Performance path,
it allows both greater flexibility and potential savings.
i4HomeEnergy Documents
Energy Checklist - for builder/homeowner.
Rates - In House Prints / 3rd Party Prints.
Prescriptive Workshop by i4HomeEnergy 02-09-19
- Many from BILD Alberta -
National Building Code - 2019 Alberta Edition, NBC(AE)
How to get new Alberta Building Codes for Free. (Youtube Video)
Illustrated Guide for ABC 9.36 Prescriptive Energy Efficiency Requirements for Houses
RSI Tables and Zone Map for Alberta
Presentation Done Locally by CHBA "Demystifying 9.36"
National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2017
County of Grande Prairie - Energy Requirements
City of Grande Prairie Energy - Energy Requirements
Served on the Board of Directors and Technical Commitee for
Canadian Home Builders Association Grande Prairie .
Grande Prairie Region-